Geez, it does get pretty dusty around here when I slack off, doesn’t it? ;)
Well, it’s been for good reason. My GM guide (officially called Kurn’s Guide to Being a Kick-Ass Guild Master) should be coming out on Tuesday, August 20th, around 10am ET. I am almost finished with the writing process, then need to edit and format a bit, but assuming all goes well, you’ll be able to snag my guide next Tuesday! I’m pretty excited. :)
As such, I’m going to host a Twitter-based Q&A on Monday, August 19th at 9pm ET (6pm PT). I’ll spend an hour answering your questions. As long as it’s related to guilds, I’ll be happy to answer just about anything you ask to the best of my ability! :)
I recognize that the hour is, perhaps, not optimal for various people considering that some people raid at that hour or considering that it’s the middle of the night in Europe and such, so you can submit your questions in advance! Just head on over to to do so. Alternatively, if you’re actually around on Twitter at that time, just tweet at me (@kurnmogh) with your question and do tag it with #AskKurn so I can make sure to get to your question. :)
All right, with that said, I probably ought to get back to prepping the website. What’s been up there for the last couple months is just a placeholder and I’ve spent the last few days frantically trying to get things together in preparation for the launch. It’s really coming together and I think all I really have left to do is populate the pages with content, meaning most of the difficult stuff is already taken care of. (Note to self: build more than one website a year to prevent HTML/CSS atrophy!)
Looking forward to answering your questions on Monday!