Back in Burning Crusade, when warlocks were something to be feared, a guildie rolled a warlock alt and called it “Imop”.
“Imop?” I said.
“No, no,” he replied, “that’s I’m OP.”
I laughed.
On Sunday night, I seriously considered renaming my shaman alt “Imop”. Because she really, really is. How so?
I nearly soloed Overlord a couple of weeks ago. That was my first big hint.
The Jump-a-Tron quest in Nagrand? Well, I shocked myself by landing on the nest on the first attempt. And then hauled out the ol’ spirit wolves after the momma bird came looking for me.
12 seconds later, the ol’ momma bird was dead.
That was my second big hint.
What convinced me, though, was going out there at level 65 and soloing Banthar, a level 67 elite. 25 thousand health? So not a problem. Not with spirit wolves, Maelstrom… I didn’t even have to blow Shamanistic Rage.
I suspect that I’ll be able to get Bach’lor and the windroc elite (whose name escapes me at the moment) about as easily, and I now have an Earth Elemental Totem so I’m thinking Tusker will be pretty easy, too.
If all else fails, I have FROSTSHOCK and can kite her over to Telaar. ;)
I’m sure that shaman aren’t quite this OP in raid situations and stuff, but while levelling, putting out this kind of damage, while surviving? The only thing I’ve seen as OP as an enhancement shammy thus far is a ret paladin. (Soloing 3-man group quests in Dragonblight as a ret paladin in holy gear is hilarious.)
Good times!