Month: May 2014

Episode 4 of The Kurncast

It’s longer than usual, but it’s been an unusual kind of week. Next week, a blast from the past (literally) and hopefully updates on my current WoW-related goals. 🙂 It’ll be a lot lighter than this one, I promise. (Incidentally, this podcast took three takes, each ranging from 20-25 minutes apiece. Hopefully this is more…

Episode 3 of The Kurncast

Okay, so short podcasts are fun and involve minimal editing. As such, we’ll give it another three episodes at minimum before I either throw in the towel or go all-in and put it up on iTunes, Stitcher, get a domain name and all that jazz. 🙂 Thanks so much to everyone for your kind comments…

Episode 2 of The Kurncast

And here it is, Episode 2 of The Kurncast! I’m going to give it at least one more week, so chime in, let me know if you’re enjoying it or not! Also, I need your feedback: what should my new WoW-related goal be after I get tailoring to 600? (There are some rules I mention…

Episode 1 of The Kurncast

I don’t really have anything to say except that I was bored and I’ve missed podcasting, so here’s me trying my hand at a mini-cast format podcast. We’ll see how long this lasts. 😉 If it does last, I’ll likely get, you know, an actual domain and put it up on iTunes and all of…