Month: June 2014

Episode 9 of The Kurncast

Yes, the podcast is still on the blog site for now. I get into it a bit in the podcast. 😉 Also in this week’s podcast: talk of the legendary cloak, a teaser for my next Sentry Totem column about guild perks, some chatting about Alpha/Beta and I explain why Sentry Totem is a site…

Episode 8 of The Kurncast

Short post today, just letting you know that Episode 8 of the Kurncast is out! Sorry for the delay — it’s been a long few days. Hopefully, I’ll be moving the Kurncast over to in the next week. I promise that this is something that is happening sooner than later this time. Once properly…

Episode 7 of The Kurncast

It’s been a really exciting week in terms of World of Warcraft for me this past week! I got into the Alpha, I hit 600 tailoring, did some achievements and am making progress on getting to 100 mounts. Totally forgot to mention this in the show, but be sure to have a look at the…

Episode 6 of The Kurncast

Welcome to what may be the last episode of the Kurncast hosted here at Kurn’s Corner! I’m planning on shifting it over to my guide site at in the next week. Perhaps two weeks. Why? I want to get it listed in iTunes and Stitcher and such, and while I’m not really inclined to…

Episode 5 of The Kurncast

And so, ladies and gentlemen, here I am with Episode 5 of the Kurncast! This week’s episode talks a bit about tailoring and also various in-game titles you (and I) like. It also includes an extra-special bonus clip from May 19, 2013… What could that be about, I wonder? Only one way to find out…