Month: February 2015

Episode 38 of the Kurncast – Guides & Leadership

Hey, everyone! Welcome to Episode 38 of the Kurncast. Thanks for listening! 🙂 This week’s episode touches on WoW playing guides, my own guides, and various bits about leadership. Most of this stems from the Godmother’s blog post at Alternative Chat, which you should definitely read. I also talk a bit about BattleTags, the awesome…

Episode 37 (in a row) of the Kurncast – “Where are the Caverns of Time, Kurn?”

Ladies and gentlemen, in honour of it being the 37th episode of the Kurncast, I invited a special guest to join me… Majik co-hosts this episode with me and embarasses me thoroughly, to his great joy. (And probably yours as well.) What are you waiting for? Tune in to Episode 37 (in a row), “Where…