Episode 49 of the Kurncast – Permanently Grounded

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for tuning in to the 49th episode of the Kurncast! This week, we touch base on those personality types from last week and then talk about flight and how it appears that it’s never coming back to World of Warcraft. Dive right in, either here on the website, over at iTunes or at Stitcher!

Thanks to all those who tweeted at me about their personality types!

7 – INFJ: Manech (@MichaelJPetty), Kristen (@Disneygirl85), Hestiah (@hestiahdruid), Kayley (@tsepish), Sylii (@pinksyllibus – also INFP), Thumblanna (@notanna – also INFP), Adrienne (@lactarded)

3 – ISFJ: Shawn (@hanzo55), Osephala (@osephala), Gdansk (@dearestclaudio – also ISTP)

3 – INTJ: @Hasteur,  Mylana (@MathiasSchnell – also ISTJ), @JRWStormy (also ISTJ)

2 – INFP: Ross (@elepheagle – also INFJ), Megan (@whatsatotem – also INTP)

2 – ISTJ: Michael (@mwhogan58), @Wellwow

1 – ISFP: Rooster (@yawowb – also ISTP)

1 – ESTJ: Chopster (@chopster16)

1 – MF SOB: Deliriad (@DeliriumHunts)



INFP hell: You are eternally damned to working for a morally corrupt company that aims to exploit the weak and generally degrade conditions for all of society.

Thanks also to Brandon (@thexantar) for providing an anti-flight perspective!

More reading about the loss of flight:

Let me know how you feel about the loss of flight — hit me up on Twitter: @kurnmogh

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