Second night in Ulduar, second boss down, second boss achievement.
Not too shabby, although people still fail to get out of the fire and we had SO many issues with healing the tanks at the end of Phase 2. In the end, all three tanks were dead and we pew-pewed Razorscale the remaining 3-4% without a tank. Hilarious. Got server-third and faction-second, I believe.
Deconstructor… ow. Why must the tanks get hit for so freaking much damage? Really. We did the encounter (didn’t down him) with six healers. Probably could have used a seventh, to be honest. For whatever reason, DeadlyBossMods isn’t properly warning people when they have a buff/debuff, so people are dying stupidly, but that’ll improve with practice and/or an updated DBM.
Interesting evening, to say the least. Shades of healing techniques from Archimonde, to be honest, at least on the Deconstructor pull. I was popping Sacred Shield on the tank (as per usual) and then popping Divine Favour to force a Holy Shock crit to proc Infusion of Light to get an instant Flash of Light, all so that the tank wouldn’t get two-shotted as he ran in to the boss and then moved him around.
Also, let’s hope that legendary mace doesn’t have any spirit on it. Apparently, I am second in line for the crafting of it in our guild, to be given any fragments that drop when our first healer isn’t in the raid, or has his completed.
Not quite sure what to think about that, really. Could very well be a sort of bribe to stay with the guild despite some key departures of late. Or they could realize I am teh awsum.
Yeah, yeah, bedtime. I’m goin’.