Episode 42 of the Kurncast – “303 Revisions Out of Date”

Welcome, everyone, to Episode 42 of the Kurncast! This week, I decided to do some… okay, well, ALL the available LFRs, and so I kind of killed 17 brand-new (to me) bosses. Some weren’t memorable. Others were.

Of note:

If you’re an artist, check out this Kickstarter by my friend, Samantha Youssef. It’s fully-funded, but there are some stretch goals we can unlock! If you can’t be a backer, no problem, but please share. πŸ™‚

Also, please help out Fugara, my former GM, with her divorce, if you can. If not, no worries, but please spread the word!

Huge thanks to:

@_Rades, @Kenichan, @Kialesse, @justanna, @michaeljpetty, @warrior_tank, @wowinthedetails, @yawowb, @wedgemccloud, @roseofmontague, @disneygirl85, @Hasteur, @Leetawow, @asyluun, @aerix88 and @chopster16 for all their tweets at me with regards to my questions I randomly tweeted for the podcast. πŸ™‚

Oh, and if you’re interested in hearing about the whole time travel thing, check out Reply All.

And now, Episode 42 of the Kurncast.
