Tag: majik

Episode 23 of the Kurncast – “Your opinion is wrong.”

Welcome to a special episode of the Kurncast! Today’s episode covers a variety of 6.0 stuff, philosophical opposition to specs, wrong opinions and more, all with a special guest — Majik. [display_podcast] I mention the following folks who tweeted at me: @disneygirl85, @DearestClaudio, @Shathus, @SirMeatwad_ and @Poiekelsatin. Garrison questions? Go check out Alternative Chat and…

Episode 19 of the Kurncast – Privacy Creep

Hello and welcome, one and all, to Episode 19 of the Kurncast! Wow. That’s a pretty high episode number, considering I wasn’t sure it would last much more than five or so episodes… So here we are and in today’s episode, I discuss WoW, BattleTags, Hammerwatch and The Sims 4. Enjoy! [display_podcast] Latest blog post…

Episode 18 of the Kurncast – LFR Adventures: SoO Wing 4

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to inform you that Episode 18 of the Kurncast is up! In today’s episode, there are LFR shenanigans to discuss, plus I renew an old aquaintance, I make another appearance on a podcast and I have privacy concerns about BattleNet. Have a great week, folks! [display_podcast] I’ll be on…

Episode 17 of the Kurncast – “Suck it, Spoils”

Episode 17 is now up! Listen to me be in shock about becoming an aunt, complain about Majik forcing me to sort of tank, give my long opinion about the Spoils of Pandaria fight (please chime in!), talk about podcast appearances and trying my hand at the Proving Grounds! [display_podcast] Check me out on Behind…

Episode 15 of the Kurncast

Another Monday, another Kurncast! Just my attempt to help YOU make YOUR Mondays that much better. 😉 So this week, I discuss what I did in WoW, I talk a little bit about Naxx, then I apparently jumped on to a soapbox and rambled about the Warlords of Draenor cinematic! As such, the show may…