Episode 2 of The Kurncast

And here it is, Episode 2 of The Kurncast!

I’m going to give it at least one more week, so chime in, let me know if you’re enjoying it or not!

Also, I need your feedback: what should my new WoW-related goal be after I get tailoring to 600? (There are some rules I mention in the podcast when it comes to suggestions, so please do bear those in mind!)

As I mention in the podcast, keep your eyes on my guide site for some newish content this coming week (Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at the latest!) and please do send me your feedback with regards to what you’d like to see in my forthcoming guide to being a Kick-Ass Raid Leader. 🙂

Thanks so much for all the tweets, retweets and pimp-outs! I tremendously appreciate your support. 🙂

(PS: Episode 1 is thataway.)