Gems and You: A Guide

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to one of what will be many guides written by yours truly, Kurn. Today’s exciting topic, gems.

I’ve been a jewelcrafter on my paladin for almost a year, and to this day, it still astounds me how many people are missing the very basics of the jewelcrafting profession. This is not a guide about how to level up jewelcrafting (the three days I spent in Exodar, running from the AH to the JC trainer to get to 300, were not the most efficient or cheap days of my WoW career), but rather, to inform you about types of gems and cuts. Note that this guide will not be addressing any BOP gems and will only focus on green, rare and epic quality gems and cuts that are available from your friendly neighbourhood jewelcrafter. Further, it will really center on cuts for gems that are mined or come from prospected Fel Iron or Adamantite Ore or are epic-quality. (Pearls and meta gems will be addressed briefly.)

So, let’s get started.

Continue reading “Gems and You: A Guide”


Hey, there folks!

My name’s Kurn. Okay, it’s not, but that’s what people in World of WarCraft tend to call me. You can read more about me, if you’re curious. Basically, I’ve been playing WoW for over two years. I have 3 70s and I’m the guild master of Apotheosis on the US PVE/ET realm, Eldre’Thalas.

I have, perhaps unfortunately, learned a lot about this game over the years, so I finally decided to start up a resource that will address things I wish more people knew about, to lower the noob quotient out there, perhaps. I might also gripe about the game here, I may share my victories here, but ultimately, I hope for Kurn’s Corner to become a valuable resource on a variety of subjects. Tips and tricks, understanding professions, useful mods… I hope to share all kinds of these things with you folks.

Welcome to Kurn’s Corner. Pull up a chair, sit back, relax and get ready for some long reads. ;)