You may have noticed by the fishing-related achievements in the sidebar that I am levelling fishing. Sadly, it’s true. I am. On a second toon. Sigh. Up to just over 300 fishing. At least I’m fishing up my own buff food, now, which gives me the possibility of fishing up the Sea Turtle. Plus, I’m making Fish Feasts, which are selling quite well.
Apart from that, we wiped 24 times to get a new achievement last Wednesday:

We did it with Elder Stonebark up, so we had to deal with Ground Tremors. Bad. Bad, bad. Ground Tremor damage was huge, and it’s physical damage, so… Ow. I’m kind of pleased with how healing went on that, though.
We had 3 holy priests, 1 holy paladin, 1 disc priest, 1 resto shaman and 1 resto druid in the raid, so I had this going on:
– Resto Druid topping off group 1 (with tanks) and 5
– Holy Priest 1 – POHing Group 2 (5 of 7 healers)
– Holy Priest 2 – POHing Group 3
– Holy Priest 3 – POHing Group 4
All holy priests to COH groups 1/5 after their POH.
Resto druid watching for Nature’s Fury (although he didn’t do a great job).
Me and the disc priest spamming the tank(s) and the resto shammy doing what he could to top people off.
Overall, it worked okay. But I have a lot of refinements for Freya + Elders, mostly to do with positioning.
Anyways, still conscious, thereby confirming that my sleep habits are completely screwed up. I’m thinking I’ll get back to my healer evaluations.
Done so far: disc priest app, two holy paladins.
To do: disc priest (regular), holy priest (irregular), both holy priests (regular), holy priest (app), both resto shammies (regular), all three resto druids (all somewhat irregular).
At least the regular disc priest and one of the shammies are fine and I have nothing bad to say to either of them. Gonna be fun times with everyone else, though! HOORAY. ;)
Should probably get started on at least the easy ones…