Things I've learned.

Things I’ve learned in the past 36 hours:

– when I’m level 69, I am physically incapable of stepping away for longer than a few minutes before dinging 70.
– 900g for a flying mount and the training that goes with it is still substantial, even when you have over 2300g.
– it is likely a poor idea to drop herbalism for engineering unless you have all the mats you’ll need to grind engineering all the way to 350 so you can make your helm.
– Power Word: Shield is only castable on people in your party or raid. How did I get 4 70s without realizing this?
– There’s a Codex: Prayer of Fortitude III out there. Grump.

So yeah, I levelled my priest to 70. Actually, he’s my brother’s priest. He gave him to me at level 46 or something and by 55 or something, I wanted to kill myself if I played it anymore. So, Gneiss (as he was known) sat on the shelf for months. I got a friend into WoW so we levelled together for a bit before she totally, entirely surpassed me. :P And then I got to playing a bit on a RL friend’s server… and this friend suggested I just ninja-transfer the priest (who was on my account anyways) to her server, as Gneiss was 62 and her shammy was 61…

Two months later of off-again, on-again play, she has a 70 shammy and I have a 70 priest. I’m eager to really play him in 70 instances to see about healing that consists of more than “Flash of Light” and “Holy Light”. I actually went to Shadow Labs (first key frag — that questline is AWESOME experience if nothing else) when I was 68. Dinged 69 just before the first boss and had 0 trouble in my leet healing gear. Yeah, that was like, 800 +healing and a pitifully poor mana pool. Then again, my RL friend was on her shadow priest and we had a tank in full T5 tanking, plus a halfway competant mage pugger and a huntard who, despite the huntardation, knew how to trap things. The third boss there is my least favourite in that instance, as my pally, because of all the AOE damage, all the running…

Had 0 issues healing it at 69. None. I tossed up renews, prayer of mending, even used prayer of healing at one point. Didn’t need a mana potion or anything. Quite a nice change from the stress of healing it back in the ol’ days on my pally.

So close!

We brought Vashj down to 3% last night. I’m sure we’ll get her on this coming reset, but it’ll require some changes to our strategy I think. Apparently, my ranged isn’t doing what they’re supposed to be doing, although happy coincidences last night made it work out okay, more or less. Well, obviously, if we got her to 3%. Stupid poison got us, obviously. But it was really just us being silly and not moving her around enough.

In other news, attunement. Obviously, I have the Vials of Eternity quest sitting happily in my log and now that we’ve downed Al’ar (on Sunday), a bunch of my guildies just need to go kill Rage Winterchill to be attuned to BT. Of course, I am not one of them. I need to talk to Seer Olum tonight in SSC, because I was stuck on the Arcatraz portion of that attunement quest forever, because I hate instances, specifically TK instances, with a passion. Well, I finally got it done and then the 5-man quest in SMV that follows it up just sat in my log.

This afternoon, I remembered “oh, right, need to talk to the dude in SSC tonight”, so I looked up the quest and was like… oh, right, this is why I haven’t done it. A 5-man quest. So I asked in guild chat if anyone wanted to do a quick 5-man quest in SMV so I could talk to the dude in SSC tonight.

<crickets chirp>

Which is what I’d expected. :P

So I check out the quest on WoWHead: Akama’s Promise.

People are saying they’ve soloed it. Mostly ranged classes, though. Hm.

I gave it a shot. The summoners were easy — kill them, heal through archers, then jump off that platform. You eventually drop out of combat and can eat/drink… and kill the other one. Rinse and repeat.

Then Deathwail landed. I was a little scared of the fear, but it only caused trouble once. I had him to about 35% when someone randomly whispers me for an invite. OMG, it’s a shammy! A random shammy! So I invite them, they proceed to HEAL ME (hooray!) and then we go to town on Deathwail. BAM, down 30 seconds later.

A productive WoW day even if I do nothing else, and I get to feel good about myself because, shammy or no shammy, Deathwail would have died. I, a holy paladin, essentially soloed a 5-man quest. Or could have soloed. That feels good, to be honest.