Believe it or not, a post about fun stuff that’s happened recently on the live servers!
First up, the other night, we were doing Sindragosa and people were crowding me while I was about to be encased in ice. The result?

To their credit, they kept me up when I got out. I definitely bubbled as soon as I could, too, but I honestly laughed my ass off when I saw that. 459 health. Woo.
The other thing I wanted to talk about happened on Wednesday evening.
I was walking home from Real-Life stuff and called up my brother, asking him if he wanted to do the weekly raid quest with our buddy Majik later on. The weekly was Sartharion. He was like “sure, what toon?”
And then it hit me. We could try a 10-man zerg.
Majik could tank it, I reasoned, but wait. My brother wanted to go on his paladin, not his hunter. So my brother could tank it, right?
And Majik only has a tank and a healer, so that left him to be the healer. It was decided I’d bring my hunter.
All without us letting Majik know “hey, you’re solo-healing a Sarth10 3d zerg on your still-relatively-new-to-80 priest”, it was completely decided. ;)
After I got home and Majik logged on and such, we informed him that he would be healing a zerg.
I don’t know what prospect made me laugh harder; my brother’s nub tank solo-tanking or Majik’s nub priest solo-healing it. I laughed a LOT, though.
Did I mention that my brother hadn’t ever actually DONE the Sartharion fight? At all? On any toon whatsoever? No? Well, he hadn’t. And I don’t know when the last time Majik did it, although he did do it a few times back in Apotheosis’ early Wrath days. Pretty sure he never healed it, though. And the last time I DPSed it was certainly months ago.
So after discussing this on Vent, we all logged in and I went about setting up the party. Bear in mind that I had never successfully done a zerg before. I had been in ONE zerg run where I was the freaking healer (on my PALADIN), and it didn’t work out.
So I call for 7m DPS for a Sarth10 3d zerg. I said we’d do five zerg attempts and if that wasn’t enough, whatever, we’d kill the drakes and just do the weekly normally. I added that the drake would be an open roll, but if you were DPS and didn’t do at LEAST 5k DPS on Sarth during the kill, you wouldn’t get a roll.
Everyone who whispered me ASSURED me they could do more than 5k DPS. I was like, okay, great. I didn’t check any gear score crap, I didn’t ask for achievements. I made sure I had drums and fish feasts and stuff for others, flasks for Majik and myself and special food for myself (yum 40 agi!). We all got summoned there, courtesy of Majik and my brother.
Our composition was okay. Two death knights, two moonkins, two marks hunters (myself included), a shadow priest, an elemental shaman, a holy priest (Majik) and a prot pally (my brother). I would have liked a feral druid or fury warrior for the crit, but it seemed to work out okay.
We passed the first test: we didn’t accidentally pull any of the drakes while clearing trash. YAY!
I assigned the other hunter to do the initial misdirect on my brother while I’d save mine for Tenebron.
I dropped a feast. I instructed everyone to eat.
I asked for heroism to be hit at about five seconds in, just to make sure my brother had aggro.
We went for it.
One of the moonkin died to the first flame wall.
My brother died to a Flame Breath, Shadow Breath and melee hit from Tenebron.
A wipe ensued.
After the first attempt, someone whispers me asking if one of the DKs is a friend of mine. I’m like, no…
“We’re carrying him, you know.”
I look at Recount.
3k DPS. Less total damage done than my brother, the tank.
So I call him out on it. “Any reason you did less damage than the tank? Have you ever been here before?”
“got hit by fire” was his response (or something along those lines), which obviously answered my “have you ever been here before” question.
I dropped a fish and assured the whispering person that if the DK screwed up that badly again, I’d kick him.
The DK hadn’t eaten the fish.
“Eat the fish,” I told him.
10 seconds later, right as I was about to tell him to eat the damn fish or he’d be replaced, he runs over and eats the fish.
Hero’s ready, they tell my brother to mount up and run in. I was like “yeah, sure”.
Bet you $10 you don’t know what I forgot to make sure the other hunter knew.
Give up?
I forgot to make sure the other hunter knew you couldn’t misdirect a target who is mounted.
Try 2 begins with the hunter pulling aggro, since he didn’t see that his MD failed, and Sartharion hitting the ENTIRE RAID with flame breath. Which we mostly survived, except a moonkin.
Try 3: No mounting! Body & Soul shield instead. :) It was actually going really well until Tenebron hit my brother for 25k, which was a 14k overkill.
Still, that was a cooldown issue. My brother was just reaching for Divine Protection when, WHAMMO. Dead.
Okay. No big. Even the fail DK is doing almost 4k DPS.
Did I mention that we wiped with 24,000 health left on Sarth? No? Well, we did. We could actually DO this!
Try 4: It was going AWESOME until, I kid you not, my brother takes a 30k Shadow Breath followed by a 26k melee hit. Way to not use Guardian Spirit, Majmaj!
Try 5: I announced it was our last attempt at a zerg and if we didn’t get it, we’d just do it normally for the weekly. After all, it was around 8:20 and I had a raid at 9.
It went beautifully. Sure, my brother and Majik both died, but so did Sartharion!

The fail DK did not break 4k DPS, so he didn’t get to roll on the drake. I ended up giving it to the non-fail moonkin (the one who had not died to the flame wall earlier) who actually did the second-most DPS on the kill. I was pretty pleased to see her get the drake. I was even more pleased that the thought of ninjaing the drake didn’t even occur to me until much later. I hate raid leaders who ninja loot.
What really amuses me, though, is that my hunter now has a raid title that my paladin does not. Sure, Madrana’s a Twilight Vanquisher from back before Ulduar opened, but she never did get of the Nightfall. I mean, it’s a 10-man title. Of course Madrana doesn’t have it! It seems fitting that Kurn’s got at least one title that Madrana “should” have gotten and didn’t. :)
Probably the best part is that it’ll be a lasting memory of this one day I decided to haul my brother and our friend, undergeared though they may be for this sort of thing, to Sarth, to do a crazy, crazy zerg. We probably shouldn’t have been able to do it, but we totally did. And I will forever remember that I did it with two people with whom I have a TON of fun while playing this game.
Even if they threaten to bankrupt me weekly and are jackasses. They are now Jackasses of the Nightfall!